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Kutatócsoportunk tagjai júliusban két nemzetközi konferencián képviselték hazánkat

Members of our Research Group have recently participated in two international conferences. At the 22nd European Conference on Literacy in Dublin, Ireland, three papers were presented, while at the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Alicante, Spain, our researchers presented two oral communications and a poster presentation.

Kutatócsoportunk tagjai júliusban két nemzetközi konferencián képviselték hazánkat. A 22. European Conference on Literacy konferencián három előadással, míg a 45. PME (Psychology of Mathematics Education) konferencián két előadással és egy poszterprezentációval szerepeltünk.

22nd European Conference on Literacy

Dublin, July 4th to 6th, 2022

Steklács, János – Reading comprehension strategies, executive functions. Outlines of a common paradigm.

Bóna, Judit; Steklács, János – Development of oral reading fluency in Hungarian-speaking students between 4th and 5th grade: Results of acoustic phonetic and eye-tracking analyses.

Varga, Szilvia; Steklács, János – Developing literary reading comprehension skill through morphological intervention in primary school.

45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Alicante, July 18th to 23rd, 2022

Karika, Tímea; Csíkos, Csaba – Types of visual representations of fractions in Hungarian textbooks for 5th graders.

Svraka, Bernadett; Csíkos, Csaba; Szitányi, Judit – The epidemiology of mathematical performance, anxiety, and psychosomatic symptoms.

Biró, Fanni; Csíkos, Csaba – Realistic non-routine word problems and students’ freely constructed drawings.